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Category Pirates

By Christopher Lochhead, Eddie Yoon, Nicolas Cole

A newsletter so hefty it became a series of "mini books."  Free subscribers receive snippets; paying subscribers receive each mini-book in full digital form, delivered straight to your email inbox.

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"Like Harvard Business Review.  But for Pirates."

What is Category Pirates?

Category Pirates is the authority on Category Creation and Category Design.

We write for the radically different— those who want to see, design and claim the future. 

Our content consists of a unique idea, a framework for new thinking, a core story to give the framework context, and data to back it up.  This chock-full newsletter is then formatted into a digital "mini-book."​​

Topics include:

  • How to create new categories and redesign old ones.

  • Motivational examples of the power of creating and investing in category creators such as Tesla, Netflix, Amazon, Airbnb, and more.

  • Case studies for how successful companies have successful created and/or redesigned existing categories (and where other companies have gone wrong).

  • Frameworks such as:

How do you build a legendary business?  You must innovate on all 3 sides.  Contrary to popular belief, the best product does not always win.


Companies that create new categories capture 76% of the market.  The Category Design Scorecard helps you determine whether you are truly creating a new category - or unknowingly competing in someone else's


"Supers" spend 30% to 70% more than your other customers.  To discover your next breakthrough category opportunity, find your Superconsumers, build your data flywheel, and the answers will reveal themselves.


Christopher:  3x CMO. #1 Apple business podcaster and #1 Amazon marketing author. Christopher's first book, Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets, has been called “the bible of category design” and is in the top 1% of business books.

Meet the Pirate Co-founders


Cole is one of the most consumed digital business writers in the world with more than 100 million views on his content. He is the author of The Art & Business of Online Writing, a must-read for writers in the digital world, and he is the founder of Digital Press, a ghostwriting agency for 300+ founders, C-level executives, investors, and more.

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Eddie has written more on category creation and design than any person living or dead for The Harvard Business Review. He is the author of the breakthrough bestseller Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth. He also runs a think tank and advisory firm on growth strategy, called EddieWouldGrow.


NBA Hall of Fame Legend and Fellow Pirate

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"If you want to know how to change the world, read Category Pirates.  You don't win championships by just being normal."

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